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Your Donation Makes a Difference - Support Now and Help The People in Gaza!
Donate and make a difference - your donation will provide immediate relief to those currently in need in Gaza. Together, let's build a hopeful future for Palestine. Every contribution counts. Donate now and be the catalyst for transformation. Together we can help the people of Gaza.



Our projects for the month of Ramadan
Imagine that the fasting day of Muslims in Al Qods during Ramadan never ends. Every morning they wake up wondering what they will eat for iftar, knowing that their fasting and hunger is not caused by choice but by oppression. Every night they go to bed with a growling stomach and barely enough food, while being trapped in their own land, surrounded by occupiers who have taken away their freedom. Imagine seeing their children crying with hunger, unable to comfort them, knowing that their oppressors continue to violate their rights and that there seems to be no end to this unbearable pain.
Al Qods Acharif Foundation Belgium
Al Qods Acharif Foundation Belgium is a non-profit organization whose objectives include improving the social, financial and community status of the residents of Al Qods (Jerusalem). The foundation is a sister association of Bayt Mal Alqods Acharif Agency with Headquarters in Rabat Morocco.
Supporting People in Gaza (Palestine)
With your donations, we can help the people of Gaza!
Ramadan Iftarproject
Together with you, we can provide iftar to the poor at the blessed Al Aqsa Mosque.
Ramadan Food Package
Together with you, we can provide the vulnerable with a voucher worth 50 euros. With this they can buy food/drink.
Food Packages
Your donations will allow Al Qods Acharif Foundation Belgium to purchase food products directly in Al Qods where they will be distributed.
Winter project
Al Qods Acharif Foundation Belgium distributes blankets and warm clothing to single mothers in Al Qods. So that they and their children can stay warm through a cold period.
Supporting Islamic nursing homes
There is a lot of outdated equipment in rest homes that usually break down very quickly.
Your donations will allow Al Qods Acharif Foundation Belgium to give school bags to the children in Al Qods.
Eid clothing for orphans
With your donation, we can buy new clothes for the orphans so that they too can have a nice Eid.
Supporting Orphans in Al Aqsa School
Al Qods Acharif Foundation supports the orphans in the Al Aqsa School. We help the children with, among other things: food packages, new school supplies, new materials for the school, ...
Supporting students
Your donations will allow Al Qods Acharif Foundation Belgium to support students from Al Qods so that they too can graduate.